7 Steps of Industrial CT-Testing

GET YOUR INSPECTION DONE – Anywhere. Anytime. Fast.

Com­pon­ents can be tes­ted by using indus­tri­al com­pu­ted tomo­gra­phy, but how does the com­ple­te pro­cess from cus­to­mer inquiry to the finis­hed scan eva­lua­ti­on work? We pro­vi­de insights into CT-testing!

1. Customer Inquiry & Individual Arrangements 

Once a cont­act request has been recei­ved, our experts coor­di­na­te with the cus­to­mer and dis­cuss the indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments regar­ding the CT-test­ing pro­cess. It is important to cla­ri­fy how many com­pon­ents are invol­ved, what mate­ri­al they are made of and in which time frame they are to be scan­ned. If the scan­ning pro­cess has to be car­ri­ed out par­ti­cu­lar­ly quick­ly, it is pos­si­ble to book an express scan, which cos­ts 30% more. In addi­ti­on, other important infor­ma­ti­on such as a com­po­nent dra­wings or CAD of the com­po­nent and the inspec­tion spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons will have to be collected.

Many of our cus­to­mers wish to have Micro­vis­ta take care of both the qua­li­ty con­trol of the com­pon­ents and the CT data eva­lua­ti­on. Howe­ver, if you have your own CT, we can also offer you sole­ly the CT data eva­lua­ti­on via our cloud. If you need a CT sys­tem for a limi­t­ed peri­od of time at your pro­duc­tion site at short noti­ce, you can save yours­elf high invest­ment cos­ts & long wai­ting times with our mobi­le CT solu­ti­on.

Piktogramm - Expertenberatung zur zerstörungsfreien Prüfung (industrielle CT & luftgekoppelter Ultraschall)

2. Quotation

Through clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween our CT-experts and account mana­gers, we prepa­re detail­ed and under­stan­da­ble pro­po­sals for our cus­to­mers. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the docu­ments for an NDA (Non-Dis­clo­sure Agree­ment) will be pre­pared in this step, if desired.

3. Delivery of the Components 

After the cus­to­mer has pla­ced their order with us, the com­pon­ents are deli­ver­ed to Micro­vis­ta in Blan­ken­burg. The trans­port is usual­ly orga­ni­zed by our customers.

4. Inspection

Now the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the inspec­tion pro­cess beg­ins. Our stan­dard pro­ces­sing time (scan and eva­lua­ti­on) is 10 days. If a cus­to­mer requests the express ser­vice. We scan the com­pon­ents imme­dia­te­ly after their arri­val and eva­lua­te the results as soon as pos­si­ble. Stan­dard orders are first pre-sor­ted accor­ding to OK/NOK. Then we take a look insi­de the com­pon­ents with our advan­ced CT-Scanners.

The com­pon­ents are pla­ced one after the other on an appli­ca­ble set­up in the CT for this pur­po­se. All our CT experts have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in radia­ti­on pro­tec­tion trai­ning and with clo­sing the CT door, the scan can be per­for­med. From the out­side, adjus­t­ments to the scan pro­cess can be made on a sepa­ra­te panel at any time.

Insi­de the CT, a 3D image of the spe­ci­men is now crea­ted during the scan by sen­ding X‑rays through the object. The beams are picked up by a detec­tor on the other side of the object. During scan­ning, the com­po­nent under inspec­tion rota­tes slow­ly to obtain a full 3D repre­sen­ta­ti­on. The resul­ting raw data of the com­po­nent is now cap­tu­red in our soft­ware and used to crea­te a 3D model of the object. This is then ana­ly­zed by our experts to iden­ti­fy any defects or weak­ne­s­ses within the part.

For which materials is industrial CT inspection particularly suitable? 

In gene­ral, indus­tri­al CT inspec­tion of cer­tain mate­ri­als and com­pon­ents depends on various fac­tors such as the mate­ri­al thic­k­ness, den­si­ty and struc­tu­re of the object to be inspec­ted. Nevert­hel­ess, the fol­lo­wing mate­ri­als can be exami­ned with an indus­tri­al CT scanner:

Piktogramm - Industrielle Computertomographie zur Montage- & Fügekontrolle
Piktogramm - Defektanalyse mit industrielle Computertomographie zur Detektion von Poren, Lunkern & Einschlüssen
Piktogramm - Industrielle Computertomographie zur Messung von Wanddicken
Piktogram - Analyse von Hairpin Statoren
Piktogramm - Identifizieren von Grat, Kernreste & Späne in Hohlräumen

5. Evaluation of the Industrial CT Inspection

At this stage, we eva­lua­te the scan results and prepa­re a test report in accordance with the customer’s requi­re­ments. For this pur­po­se, the cus­to­mer gives us his spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons in advan­ce: The ana­ly­sis results can be pre­sen­ted using images and tables with mea­su­re­ment results or eva­lua­tions. If desi­red, the cus­to­mer can also have access to the enti­re scan pro­ject. The results are encrypt­ed and shared using our inter­nal soft­ware solution.

6. Returning the Components

After the indus­tri­al CT inspec­tion and eva­lua­ti­on, the com­pon­ents are trans­fer­red back to the cus­to­mer. For this pur­po­se, Micro­vis­ta packs the com­pon­ents safe­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly. The return trans­port can be orga­ni­zed eit­her by us or by the customer.

7. Customer Satisfaction Assessment

For us, the order does not end with the sen­ding of the invoice, but with get­ting to know of the cus­to­mers satis­fac­tion with our ser­vice. We want to know from our cus­to­mers: What have we done well and whe­re do we still need to impro­ve? Here, the­re is the pos­si­bi­li­ty of an anony­mous eva­lua­ti­on based on a ques­ti­on­n­aire or to lea­ve a public feed­back. We great­ly value the feed­back on our ser­vice and also the inter­ac­tion with our cus­to­mers during every step of the process.

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