Arrival of the mobile CT

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Day of arrival

How did the arri­val of the mobi­le CT proceed?

After com­ple­ti­on and trans­port to the site, a mobi­le cra­ne was used to unload the con­tai­ner of the SCANEXPRESS from the trai­ler. Due to the pro­fes­sio­nal use of the cra­ne, it was unloa­ded quick­ly and safe­ly. In the future, the mobi­le CT will again be on a trai­ler, and will be dri­ven to its test sites in this con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on. Depen­ding on the cir­cum­s­tances, a decis­i­on is then made whe­ther the con­tai­ner should remain on the trai­ler or be unloa­ded. The SCANEXPRESS can be ope­ra­ted in an out­door envi­ron­ment as well as insi­de a fac­to­ry building.

Tour of the mobile CT

For many employees of Micro­vis­ta and its sis­ter com­pa­ny Net­Co, the arri­val of the SCANEXPRESS was a big event. For the first time they could direct­ly see the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the idea they had seen a few years ago.

After arri­val they were gui­ded by the CEO Prof. Dr. Lutz Hagner and the Pro­duct Owner of CT, Sebas­ti­an Bla­sek. It was an emo­tio­nal moment for ever­yo­ne invol­ved to see the finis­hed mobi­le CT after many years of deve­lo­p­ment, plan­ning and the final con­s­truc­tion phase.

What happens next? 

The mobi­le CT is being con­ti­nuous­ly deve­lo­ped and adapt­ed to ensu­re that it deli­vers the best results for future use. In the coming weeks, it will appro­ved by a radia­ti­on pro­tec­tion expert. In addi­ti­on, it will be wrap­ped on the outside. 

More infor­ma­ti­on about the mobi­le CT can be found here: SCANEXPRESS

How does it work?: ope­ra­ting the mobi­le CT

First scans: test scan of a gam­ing controller

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