First customer use of the ScanExpress

GET YOUR INSPECTION DONE – Anywhere. Anytime. Fast.

After the Scan­Ex­press arri­ved at Micro­vis­ta at the end of March this year and the last remai­ning work was car­ri­ed out, it has now set off on its first jour­ney. A glo­bal cas­ting tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny that focu­ses on pro­vi­ding sys­tems for the mobi­li­ty indus­try will be using the mobi­le CT at its Ger­man site for seve­ral months. The Scan­Ex­press was accom­pa­nied on its first trip by a num­ber of Micro­vis­ta experts, who gave the customer’s team pro­fes­sio­nal on-site instruction.

How the first customer uses the ScanExpress

Our first Scan­Ex­press cus­to­mer is working for an end cus­to­mer who has asked to sol­ve pro­blems with capa­ci­ty blocka­ges during machi­ning.

Gear­box housings need to be inspec­ted for pores and other defects in the machi­ned sur­faces of the raw parts imme­dia­te­ly after cas­ting. The Scan­Ex­press is used to pre­vent rejects from being pro­ces­sed fur­ther. It is in ope­ra­ti­on 24 hours a day, for which it inspects in a three-shift sys­tem.

The inten­si­ve and fast com­po­nent inspec­tion pre­vents the tying up of value-added resour­ces and does not block capa­ci­ties at pro­ces­sing machi­nes.

ScanExpress abgeladen beim ersten Kunden

Quality assurance directly on the spot

Being able to inspect com­pon­ents direct­ly at the pro­duc­tion site wit­hout logi­sti­cal effort is one of the advan­ta­ges of the mobi­le CT, which is why our cus­to­mer deci­ded to use it. Value-added los­ses and capa­ci­ty blocka­ges that could not be sol­ved befo­re by means of pure X‑ray inspec­tion are now a thing of the past.

The cas­ting tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny also wants to estab­lish non-des­truc­ti­ve com­po­nent test­ing by means of indus­tri­al CT as an inspec­tion method in the future. Con­se­quent­ly, the Scan­Ex­press is used cost- and time-effi­ci­ent­ly to achie­ve the end customer’s order and achie­ves gre­at added value for both par­ties.

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