Non-destructive testing for the automotive industry

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Experts in the testing of automotive parts 

Non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing of com­pon­ents using indus­tri­al CT has been an inte­gral part of qua­li­ty assu­rance in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try for many years. Manu­fac­tu­r­ers know that quick feed­back in the event of devia­ti­ons in pro­duct qua­li­ty saves cos­ts. In times of light­weight con­s­truc­tion, the tran­si­ti­on to elec­tro­mo­bi­li­ty and increased efforts to redu­ce CO2, this is all the more true.

Microvista’s ser­vice helps with a wide ran­ge of chal­lenges, e.g. when it comes to sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly unco­ve­ring and eli­mi­na­ting the cau­ses of errors or when bat­ches can­not be released due to poten­ti­al defects.

Pre­ven­ti­on is often bet­ter than cure. With our fast and relia­ble CT ser­vice, you can keep an eye on ever­y­thing. This far-sigh­ted­ness saves you time and money across the enti­re pro­duc­tion process.

Practical example: E‑mobility drivetrain

Industrielle CT in der Automobilindustrie für Gehäuse von Statoren


Pre­vent imper­mis­si­bly thin walls in the coo­ling jacket 

Possible consequences:

Break­down at full load and risk of field fail­ures occurring 

Advantages of the CT test: 

Rapid detec­tion of fault hot­spots to sta­bi­li­ze pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses through ful­ly auto­ma­ted and cost-effec­ti­ve CT evaluation 

Schweißung von Hairpin und Kontaktiersystem


High mecha­ni­cal load of laser joints (e.g. wel­ding of hair­pins or cont­ac­ting systems) 

Possible consequences:

Field fail­ures with pos­si­ble recalls due to sys­te­ma­tic deviations

Advantages of the CT test: 

Pro­cess relia­bi­li­ty and sta­bi­li­ty thanks to regu­lar spot checks inclu­ding rapid auto­ma­tic deter­mi­na­ti­on of the most important qua­li­ty parameters

CT-Bild löchrige Kurzschlussringe


Holey short-cir­cuit rings and shrink plugs on their con­nec­ting rods in asyn­chro­no­us motors

Possible consequences:

Mal­func­tion in use 

Advantages of the CT test: 

Che­cking the mecha­ni­cal sta­bi­li­ty of the lami­na­ted core

Practical example: combustion engine drivetrain 

CT-Bild eines Verbrennungsmotors in 2D


Fate of inor­ga­nic bin­ders in cavities 

Possible consequences:

Func­tion­al impair­ment due to adhe­ring core resi­dues in coo­ling ducts (fail­ure of pumps and auxi­lia­ry units pos­si­ble due to detach­ment of these) 

Advantages of the CT test: 

Non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing can even be car­ri­ed out on a ful­ly assem­bled motor for acu­te dama­ge limi­ta­ti­on or as a pre­ven­ti­ve mea­su­re in the event of sus­pi­ci­on (FMEA) 

CT-Bild eines Verbrennungsmotors in 3D


High tech­no­lo­gi­cal requi­re­ments for wall thic­k­nes­ses and mecha­ni­cal load capa­ci­ty due to increased motor power and simul­ta­neous mass reduction

Possible consequences:

Fail­ure to achie­ve machi­ne capa­bi­li­ty (risk of over­hea­ting and wall breakth­roughs under load) 

Advantages of the CT test: 

Dimen­sio­nal inspec­tion of indi­vi­du­al and cri­ti­cal  fea­tures with rapid OK/NOK assessment 

Industrielle CT in der Automobilindustrie für einen CAD Soll-Ist-Vergleich eines Motorblocks


Com­mis­sio­ning a new pro­duc­tion batch after a long time — does the mold real­ly match the cur­rent CAD?

Possible consequences:

Lost pro­duc­tion (detec­tion of miss­ing con­tour only in final assembly) 

Advantages of the CT test: 

Quick detec­tion of unwan­ted devia­ti­ons and other short­co­mings  through CAD target/actual com­pa­ri­son (needs-based main­ten­an­ce of core boxes and molds possible)

Testing of structural components 

The pro­duc­tion of struc­tu­ral com­pon­ents is tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly chal­len­ging, as hybrid struc­tures, e.g. made of dif­fe­rent metals and fiber com­po­si­tes, are crea­ted using sophisti­ca­ted joints, and mecha­ni­cal para­me­ters may not be achie­ved, resul­ting in mal­func­tions in cri­ti­cal com­pon­ents. Non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing with CT can be used in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try to gain feed­back for pro­cess impro­ve­ment and to sort out faul­ty parts. 

Assembly and joint inspection with industrial CT 

Your pro­duct is not working and you can’t find the reason? Are you unsu­re whe­ther the assem­bly was car­ri­ed out cor­rect­ly? Dis­as­sem­bly is not per­mit­ted, unsui­ta­ble for ana­ly­sis or too time-consuming?

Wit­hout dis­as­sem­bly, com­ple­ten­ess, cor­rect fit and suf­fi­ci­ent­ly good joint can be checked. 

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