Non-destructive testing of battery systems

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Ensuring the longevity of battery systems 

Due to their high ener­gy den­si­ty, lithi­um-ion bat­te­ries can be found in num­e­rous tech­ni­cal devices — inclu­ding smart­phones, tablets, lap­tops, came­ras & even elec­tric cars.

Howe­ver, the bat­te­ries har­bor dan­gers, which is why an inspec­tion for safe­ty-rele­vant defects is very important: the cont­act, insu­la­ti­on and elec­tro­ly­te foils can be demo­lished if they are instal­led incor­rect­ly, which can lead to a short cir­cuit. This can result in an exces­si­ve ther­mal reac­tion of the elec­tro­ly­te; the resul­ting out­gas­sing ulti­m­ate­ly cau­ses the bat­tery to expand extern­al­ly. This not only leads to a loss of per­for­mance, but can also cau­se explosions.

In addi­ti­on to assem­bly and pro­duc­tion errors, ther­mal effects, mecha­ni­cal dama­ge or inap­pro­pria­te sto­rage can also cau­se inter­nal and exter­nal short cir­cuits, which can trig­ger life-threa­tening fires and explo­si­ons. To avo­id explo­si­ons, rech­ar­geable bat­te­ries con­tai­ning lithi­um that have beco­me bloa­ted, defor­med or out­gas­sed should no lon­ger be used.

CT-Bild von einem beschädigten Lithium-Ionen-Akku - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Batteriesystemen

CT image of a dama­ged battery

Practical example: assembly control of lithium-ion batteries in smartphones

The challenge

Smart­phone bat­tery explo­si­ons have alre­a­dy occur­red in the past, even at well-known smart­phone manu­fac­tu­r­ers. This is due to pro­duc­tion and assem­bly errors in which the cont­acts, insu­la­ti­on or elec­tro­ly­te film of the bat­tery are damaged.

Possible consequences

Pro­duc­tion and assem­bly errors can lead to a short cir­cuit, which in turn can cau­se a strong ther­mal reac­tion of the elec­tro­ly­te. The resul­ting out­gas­sing leads to exter­nal swel­ling, a seve­re loss of per­for­mance & in the worst case sce­na­rio, a fire or explo­si­on can occur. As many smart­phone users car­ry the tech­ni­cal devices in clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty to their bodies, the­re may be a risk to life.

CT-Bild von einem Smartphone - zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Batteriesystemen

CT scan of a smartphone

Advantages of the CT inspection

Indus­tri­al com­pu­ted tomo­gra­phy can be used for non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing of lithi­um bat­te­ries in smart­phones, as it is not neces­sa­ry to dis­mant­le the bat­tery in small devices. Dama­ged bat­te­ries are detec­ted direct­ly in this way. After an IO inspec­tion, the device can be used immediately.Mit der Qua­li­täts­prü­fung von Lithi­um-Ionen-Bat­te­rien kön­nen Her­stel­ler so Rechts­strei­tig­kei­ten & einem nega­ti­ven Image entgegenwirken.

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