Non-destructive testing of cast iron

GET YOUR INSPECTION DONE – Anywhere. Anytime. Fast.

Iron casting — opportunity & challenge for lightweight construction

Light­weight con­s­truc­tion does not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly mean “light metal”, as light metals can­not be used at high tem­pe­ra­tures and pres­su­res. Thin-wal­led cast iron or steel and inno­va­ti­ve, bio­nic design are used to crea­te com­pon­ents that can com­pe­te with func­tion­al ele­ments made of light metal.

Mass savings and good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties are accom­pa­nied by high tech­no­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges. Anyo­ne who is ahead of the game here can also enter the com­pe­ti­ti­ve mar­ket for light­weight safe­ty com­pon­ents as an iron cas­ter. Pro­cess moni­to­ring based on meaningful inspec­tion data enables high qua­li­ty and ulti­m­ate­ly more pro­fit. Non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing of cast iron with CT can help here.

Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Eisenguss über das Schnittbild eines Turboladers

CT image of a turbocharger

Identifying typical defects in iron casting with industrial CT

Crack testing

Crack in the part in a 3D view:

Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Eisenguss zeigt einen Riss im 3D-CT-Bild

Crack in the part in a 2D view:

Riss im Krümmer wird mit dem zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren industrielle CT sichtbar

Porosity analysis

Pores in the part in a 3D view:

3D-Bild Porositätsanalyse von Eisenguss mit CT

Pore in the part in a 2D view:

Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Eisenguss mittels CT macht Pore sichtbar

Procedure for non-destructive testing of iron casting

Series testing

Com­pli­ca­ted com­pon­ents in high-qua­li­ty end pro­ducts? Major dama­ge cau­sed by qua­li­ty defects that far exceed the manu­fac­tu­ring cos­ts? Safe­ty-rele­vant com­pon­ents that requi­re a 100% inspection?

In the­se cases, fast, low-cost & non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing of cast iron is requi­red. Indus­tri­al CT makes this pos­si­ble. Thanks to rea­dy-made pro­cess & auto­ma­ti­on modu­les, high levels of matu­ri­ty can be achie­ved quick­ly & at low cost in the inspec­tion process.

Inspection in the Microvista test laboratory

Series testing in the Microvista test laboratory
*Note: Scan within 24h only by arran­ge­ment & depen­ding on the num­ber of parts

Automated evaluation of your CT scan via Microvista Cloud

Load CT scans into the Micro­vis­ta Cloud & have them ana­ly­zed auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. Save time as time-con­sum­ing manu­al eva­lua­ti­on is not required. 

Mobile CT solution

You only need a CT inspec­tion tem­po­r­a­ri­ly & don’t want to ship your com­pon­ents for an inspec­tion? Then rent a CT sys­tem only for as long as you need it! Microvista’s uni­que mobi­le CT solu­ti­on saves you high invest­ment cos­ts & long wai­ting times. 
Mobiles CT - Microvista ScanExpress


Inspec­tion requi­red for acu­te pro­blems in pro­duc­tion? Cus­to­mer returns? Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of pro­duct changes?

Relia­ble infor­ma­ti­on on pro­duct con­di­ti­on, inclu­si­ons, cavi­ties or other pro­per­ties must be available quick­ly in order to react in good time and draw the right con­clu­si­ons. Exper­ti­se in the plan­ning and exe­cu­ti­on of the CT scan as well as in the sub­se­quent ana­ly­sis are cru­cial for this.

Inspection in the Microvista test laboratory

Sampling in the Microvista test laboratory
**Note: Tur­n­around time by arran­ge­ment, usual­ly < 3 days for stan­dard tasks. 

Expert evaluation of your CT scan via Microvista Cloud

You have your own CT, but you don’t have the resour­ces to ana­ly­ze your indi­vi­du­al part scans? The CT experts at Micro­vis­ta will take care of your eva­lua­tions. Whe­ther it’s initi­al sam­pling or requa­li­fi­ca­ti­on of com­pon­ents on the basis of rele­vant stan­dards or detail­ed ana­ly­sis of defect hot­spots. Start saving time now. 

Recognizing differences between simulation & reality in iron casting with industrial CT

A designer’s ima­gi­na­ti­on and the results of the simu­la­ti­on do not always match reality.

Cross-sec­tion­al are­as of ducts must lie within spe­ci­fied tole­ran­ces, other­wi­se the hoped-for per­for­mance will fall short of the desi­gned expectations. 

Querschnittsmessung über einen CT Scan

Cross-sec­tion measurement

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