Update: Faster CT scans, higher resolution & laminography

GET YOUR INSPECTION DONE – Anywhere. Anytime. Fast.

Micro­vis­ta pro­mi­ses its cus­to­mers eco­no­mic­al and fast (seri­al) inspec­tion. But how exact­ly can we keep this promise?

One fac­tor in this pro­mi­se invol­ves ful­ly auto­ma­ted data eva­lua­ti­on, which the CT experts at Micro­vis­ta have been fur­ther opti­mi­sing for years using AI. Howe­ver, the eva­lua­ti­on ser­vice is only one of many steps requi­red to suc­cessful­ly ana­ly­se a com­po­nent for defects. In the CT inspec­tion pro­cess, soft­ware plays an essen­ti­al role at most points: in per­forming the CT scan, in recon­s­truc­ting and eva­lua­ting the data, in gene­ra­ting reports, and in image pro­ces­sing and manage­ment. Along­side the hard­ware, the soft­ware thus plays a decisi­ve role in how fast and high-reso­lu­ti­on a com­po­nent scan can be performed.

Micro­vis­ta acqui­red the Yxlon FF85 CT from the manu­fac­tu­rer Yxlon­Co­met two years ago and is thus at the cut­ting edge of tech­no­lo­gy. With this CT, a wide varie­ty of mate­ri­als can be scan­ned and num­e­rous ana­ly­ses for defect deter­mi­na­ti­on can be car­ri­ed out. This ver­sa­ti­le CT has now been updated to an even more effi­ci­ent CT soft­ware — the Vis­taX­Pro vari­ant. This soft­ware packa­ge repres­ents the most powerful packa­ge of all available Vis­ta versions.

This is possible with the CT software update 

Vis­taX­Pro takes CT inspec­tion to a new level. Abo­ve all, the soft­ware offers signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments in reso­lu­ti­on and scan time. With increased image qua­li­ty, inspec­tion time and data volu­mes are redu­ced. Scans can now be per­for­med up to 5 times fas­ter and up to 10 times hig­her reso­lu­ti­on can be achie­ved. Ano­ther decisi­ve advan­ta­ge of the update is that lami­no­gra­phy (“Lay­er­Scan”) can now be used as an inspec­tion method. Here, high-reso­lu­ti­on lay­er images of flat com­pon­ents are crea­ted in a short time wit­hout requi­ring a 360° rotation.

Investments for more quality 

In order for Micro­vis­ta to be able to sol­ve its cus­to­mers’ inspec­tion tasks and achie­ve the best pos­si­ble results, our ser­vices must be con­stant­ly opti­mi­sed. For this, invest­ments in R&D (e.g. AI pro­jects for ful­ly auto­ma­ted data eva­lua­ti­on) and powerful CT soft­ware are indispensable.

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